2014 Bridges Conference

Luis Filipe Salgado Pereira Rodrigues


Luís Filipe Salgado Pereira Rodrigues

Artist and researcher on art

Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon

Santo Tirso, Portugal




I was born in 1971 in Portugal. I did a degree in Fine Arts Faculty of Oporto, did a Masters at the School of Fine Arts in Lisbon. I made several exhibitions only with drawings: 2014: Ars GEometrica Galéria, Eger.(Hungria) www.elmenymuhely.hu/?page_id=127; 2013, Monnumental Gallery, Lisbon: www.galeriamonumental.com/ I develop creating drawings with more energy since 2008. But my interest has started in 1998. Since then I made many experiments, but my main project started in 2010 with the crayons on cardboard. I am interested in drawing as a creative process but also in its theoretical content, so I began my PhD in 2008 on drawing although it has already published a book in 2010 entitled "Drawing Creation and Consciousness"


Image for entry 'Drawing: an intuitive mathematic perception'

Drawing: an intuitive mathematic perception


White pencil on black card


The drawing process is not dissociable nor from the mathematics neither from the aesthetics. In the drawing we record a quantity of shapes or of light, or quantity of visual information. The process of learning to draw involves the exercise of intuitive calculation where the shapes are compared to others. The meaning of implicit proportion either in the drawing or in the observed object is a measure of dimensions that was correlatively compared. In the nature, that proportionality has an organic reason, in our thinking has a rational and sensible foundation. In both of them there is the mathematical relation. My drawing has a rotational movement, ones inside the others, in a rotary way toward a centre direction, in a concentrically way.