Roberto Luis Giardili
Roberto L. Giardili
Cipolletti. Río Negro. Patagonia Argentina
The motivation for my work comes from the idea that mathematical methods and concepts can be used as a source of art. In particular, I focus on the design and construction of sculptures inspired by fractal geometry through traditional methods. For this purpose, I develop my own computer programs, a 3D version of L-systems that allows me to combine a starting shape (initiator) with a rule for modifying it (generator) and, from an aesthetic perspective, conceive the sculpture. The design of the sculpture constitutes the first part of the process. Complexity arises with the construction. This requires both developing the hardware tools to cut and weld the tubing’s, and monitoring to minimize error accumulation.

Missing Tetrahedron
40 x 48 x 40 cm
Welded Iron Tubing