Samuel Verbiese
Samuel Verbiese
Independen visual artist
Overijse, Belgium
Besides expressionistic painting and sculpting of the figure and portrait, I am recurrently drawn to geometric projects, probably by previous experience in engineering. I remain deeply amazed by labyrinths, ever since Charles Fontaine kindly hint me to the Chartres design 10 years ago. My 'Mentor in Labyrinths' passed away after Bridges Enschede and his 100th Birthday, so feeling an orphan now, I am compelled to offer him here a last tribute, this time by presenting the labyrinth I detail in the conference and mowed as my 14th ephemeral path at 'Les Jardins d'Aywiers' (tx Patricia Limauge!). A most improbable result of serendipity, good luck and hard work, this 'µChartres labyrinth' exactly fits a bookbinding work by Ode Bertrand.