2014 Bridges Conference

Yoshiaki Araki, Ph.D.


Yoshiaki Araki, Ph.D.

Artist, Mathematician

Japan Tessellation Design Association

Tokyo, JAPAN


Tessellation is one of the best ways to illustrate mathematical natures of the shapes/spaces by repeating the congruent figures along them. I have been pursuing tessellation design of shapes/spaces to attract wide range of audiences with recognizable figures familiar to them such as animals. My recent interest is to apply tessellation design to newly discovered shapes/spaces because they are hardly incomprehensible to audiences outside the speciality in most cases. The artwork is made of paper preciously laser cut for ease of building up the artwork for audiences by their hands within a short time.


Image for entry 'Parrots Tessellation on C80H30 with K<0 surface'

Parrots Tessellation on C80H30 with K<0 surface

20 x 20 x 4 cm



Additional info

Inspired by C80H30, the world first discovered warped nano carbon material with constant negative gaussian curvature (K