
James Sawyer


Six Dimension Design

241 1/2 Lexington Ave


Six Dimension Design presents a new theoretical paradigm for space represented as 6-Dimensions


Image for entry 'Cube and Cuboctahedron in rotation'

Cube and Cuboctahedron in rotation

8 inches by 8 inches by 8 inches

Beveled leaded glass


Cube is internal based on the 6 (100) square planes of crystallography. The 2nd layer after 45 degree rotation represents a cubocthaedron with 8 (111) triangular planes of crystallography. The model after rotation includes 24 edges where by each of the 6 edges are in sets of 4[ (r,s,t,u,v,w)] = 24 edges. These edges are based on the triangular edges of cuboctahedron.
Image for entry 'Octahedron inside a cuboctahedron'

Octahedron inside a cuboctahedron

4 "x 4 "x 4"x 4" x 4" x 4"

Stained glass


Stained glass Octahedron inside a cuboctahedron. The octahedron has 2 sets of edges parallel to labeled edges (r,s,t,u,v,w) . The exterior cuboctahedron has 4 sets of parallel edges parallel to labeled edges (r,s,t,u,v,w). There are 8 equilateral triangles in internal octahedron parallel to 8 equilateral triangles of exterior cuboctahedron. There are 6 axes of symmetry related to exterior cuboctahedron which are parallel to (r,s,t,u,v,w) edges of both polyhedrons. The 6 axes of symmetry are labeled ( R,S,T,U,V,W) . My book "De Revolution Six Dimensions Encyclopedia explains details of these polyhedrons.