Amy Selikoff
Amy Selikoff
7th grade social studies teacher
Orange County Public Schools
Orlando, Florida, USA
I am not a mathematician. I majored in history and journalism. My highest math class was not calculus, it was math for liberal arts major, or as my transcript says “Concepts of Fundamental Math” (lovingly nicknamed ‘fun-for-mentals’ by the mathematics department). I didn’t even begin my life as an artist until 8-hour graduate school seminars and a set of highlighters gave me time and opportunity. Art was a way I could multi-task and make my lecture notes look like Seurat’s pointillist landscapes. As it turns out, I love math and I love art, and I love creating art that also uses math. I am fascinated by shapes, patterns, design, and colors. For the past few months I’ve been exploring modular origami.

Sonobe Strand
75 x 25 x 25 cm
Recycled paper, string