Bjarne Jespersen
Magic woodcarving is the art of carving a piece of wood into parts that are loose, but cannot be separated. Traditional examples are wooden chains and balls in cages, as seen in such items as Welsh love spoons and European wool winders. My book "Woodcarving Magic" is now available from Fox Chapel Publishing Company. It explains my carving technique as well as some of the geometric methods I use to develop new models. The carvings I show this year are relatively simple, as much of my time and energy has gone into exhibitions and the preparation of another book who's main theme will be magic spheres of the type I showed in Enschede in 2013.

Band link 6,2
2 x 7 x 7 cm
Wood (pink ivory)
The two bands form a torus link T6,2. Each band is a Möbius strip with three half twists.

Band link 4,2
2 x 7 x 7 cm
Wood (pink ivory)
The two bands form a torus link T4,2. Each band resembles a Möbius strip, but is in fact two sided having a half twist at each end.