Cameron Flint
In my work I have been exploring polyhedral constructions using binder clips. My motivation was curiosity and desire to come up with construction where the chirality and duality of icosahedral/dodecahedral forms was apparent. This sampling has constructions which are held together only by binding together and interlacing binder clips.

240-Clip Binder Clip Ball
18 x 18 x 18 cm
Small binder clips
This is a uniform arrangement of 240 small binders clips using a dodecahedral construction. The final shape has 30 irregular hexagonal 'tiles' composed of 8 binder clips interlaced to create 12 pentagram shaped openings and 20 "swirling" triangular openings in a icosidodecahedral arrangement.

180-Clip Binder Clip Ball
23 x 23 x 23 cm
Medium binder clips
This is a uniform arrangement of 180 binder clips using a dodecahedral construction. The final shape has 12 pentagonal "tiles" composed of 15 binder clips interlaced in a dodecahedral fashion.

720-Clip Binder Clip Ball
30 x 30 x 30 cm
Small binder clips
This is uniform arrangement of 720 binder clips using a truncated icosahedral construction. The final shape has 90 irregular hexagonal tiles composed of 8 binder clips interlaced to create 12 pentagram shaped openings, 20 hexagram shaped openings and 60 "swirling" triangular openings.