
Gabriele Meyer

Senior Lecturer Emerita

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Madison, Wisconsin, USA


I like to crochet hyperbolic surfaces. These surfaces are studied in mathematics, they occur in nature in the form of shells, flowers, algae, leaves, and they are also very beautiful to look at. I am interested in making sculptural shapes that can also be used as lamps. They are not of uniformly negative curvature, but they all have areas of negative curvature, i.e.where the surface locally looks like a saddle. The surfaces are rather large, so I am submitting images.


Image for entry 'Red Rose'

Red Rose

44 x 60 cm



This is an image of a rose or sea anemone shaped hyperbolic disc, which I hung under the ceiling as a decoration. One could also use it as a lamp shade. Creating it, you start with a relatively large, flat disk and then start the hyperbolic crochet on its rim.
Image for entry 'Blue Wave Surface'

Blue Wave Surface

40 x 30 cm



This surface started as a flat, crocheted pentagon with unequal side lengths, which was an experiment. The hyperbolic crochet along the rim is also of varying negative curvature. One could hang it below the ceiling. I imagine it as an algae floating in space.
Image for entry 'Egg Shaped Lamp with hyperbolic decoration'

Egg Shaped Lamp with hyperbolic decoration

49 x 38 cm



This surface started with a crocheted egg shape. It has holes at the top and the bottom, which allow for a light bulb. Then I crocheted three hyperbolic bands over it, not straight down but at an angle.