
John Critchett

Retired Accounting Professor

Plymouth, Michigan, USA


I work in algorithmic digital art, primarily cellular automata, spirolaterals, and polyiamond tesselations. The finished product will be a digital archival print. Algorithmic art involves the use of predetermined formulas or procedures to create a design. A process of discovery is involved as the design "evolves." The artist does not necessarily know what the final product will look like. There is still room, however, for the artist to add personal touches to the work in the form of embellishments, and color patterns. The final piece, therefore, may combine the processes of discovery and creation in a way that has never been visualized before.


Image for entry '9 X 10 Irregular Hexagon'

9 X 10 Irregular Hexagon

31 x 31 cm

digital archival print


This work is a spirolateral design where the length of succeeding line segments follows the formula 3X (mod 10), and the turning angle is 60 degrees. Three parallelograms were added to complete the irregular hexagon. Each unique closed shape was then assigned a different color. The resulting design shows a unique partition of an irregular 9 X 10 hexagon that was created using an algorithmic approach, rather than by using separate design elements.