
RAM-8 Groep

Self-supported plastician artists: Anusch Bayens, Carlo De Pauw, Carmen Geens, Mark Pieters, Marianne Staels, André Thomas, Alex Van Bogaert, Samuel Verbiese.

'RAM-8 Groep' local artist collective

Overijse, Belgum


The RAM-8 Groep, established two years ago in Overijse, Belgium, to continue the RAM artists collective, participated in the Bridges Enschede 2013 and Seoul 2014 Exhibits (details in Conference paper "Bridges Exhibits as Incentives for Collaborative Works"). This year, we present a third 3-D team-structure, in essence a cube, whose features and the 8 supported personal artworks all adhere to this year's theme: the Golden Section. The work is an assembly of elements, 7 of them are 3D-printed and as they remind somehow the Atomium in Brussels, an 8th one is made in white Zometool inventory except a small model Atomium with color struts and shiny balls, a hint to the one on the back cover of the Bridges London 2006 Proceedings.


Image for entry 'RAM-8 Connection III'

RAM-8 Connection III

75 x 75 x 75 cm

A kit of 8 pairs of 21x21xNcm works in mixed media permutably organized on a mechanical assembly of glued elements made of 1cm thick Balsa panels. 'Thickness' N can vary between 0 to a few cm outside extensions.


The works use all 16 outside lateral faces of 21x21cm cubes, themselves centered on the vertices of a lattice cube made of square section struts (side 3.5cm), the wole supported on 4 small feet under the 4 base cubes. The 8 cubes are extended to the center of the overall structure by an alignment of 5 cubes, each one centered on the previous one, and reducing according to the phi ratio so that the middle cubes, still large, don't touch (some void added for a nice center). General formula for the distance between cubes: d(n)=a[SUM from 1 to n of](1/[phi]exp(n)+v which for a= 21, n=5 and v=2 gives 33cm and 75cm side. Note: for n infinite and never kissing at the center hence no need for extra void, the SUM converges to phi for a 76cm side.