Reza Sarhangi
Reza Sarhangi
Mathematics Professor
Department of Mathematics, Towson University
Towson, Maryland, USA
I am interested in Persian geometric art and its historical methods of construction, which I explore using the computer software Geometer's Sketchpad. I then create digital artworks from these geometric constructions primarily using the computer software PaintShopPro.

Kokabi Stars
50 x 50 cm
Kokabi Star (the great pentagram) can be constructed using the lines of the 10/3 star polygon. Patterning this star can be achieved using different approaches. Some of the presented stars in this artwork have been made based on the actual tiling on existing buildings. Some others have been constructed based on old treatises and scrolls. Some of the patterns have been created using the traditional compass-straightedge process. Modularity is another approach in this regard. Moreover, the two decorated quasicrystal patterns of Star and Sun (the only two quasicrystal patterns with global five-fold rotational symmetry) and their striking relationships with Kokabi Star have been presented. Is this relationship a theorem?