
Alan D. Singer

Retired Professor, School of Art & Design

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester, New York


I create the art in my studio in a process that starts with defining mathematical parameters in an experimental fashion. I employ a variety of mathematical visualization tools on my computer related to processing an image. Among the programs that I work with I have found a fascination with Cinderella, and in particular the colorplot function which allows me to write short commands which are rendered on my monitor. I then transfer this digital image to a treated film using archival inks, and then make an impression on moist paper under the pressure of my etching press. I am an artist enjoying new territory for exploration within the field of mathematics.


Image for entry 'Fireworks'


35 x 53 cm

Transfer monoprint on Fabriano paper


Fascinated by moire patterns, I have been creating art that goes beyond what Bridget Riley accomplished 30 years ago and I have been using the Cinderella program to create and render these colorful forms on my computer monitor. Once I get them sized correctly, and they exhibit the characteristics I am looking for, I transfer the images onto films and make a print on fine watercolor paper, under the pressure of my etching press.
Image for entry 'Response'


31 x 43 cm

Transfer monoprint on Fabriano paper


The combination of moire pattern and solid color reminds me of certain forms I have seen in Indian miniature paintings. I am concentrating on using mathematical formulas for basic geometry and just tweaking them a bit, using the Cindy script function of Cinderella, which is a mathematical visualization software that you can download to your computer.