
Sue Simon


The Sandra Phillips Gallery, Denver, Colorado, SPARK Gallery, Denver, Colorado

Englewood, Colorado, USA


My paintings deal exclusively with scientific ideas. I paint and draw what scientists and mathematicians study and conceptualize. For many years I have used scientific images and notation in my artwork. Life, matter, the universal forces, and art as well, form complex systems. I attempt to describe how the many different parts are linked and integrated. Combining the elegance of science and the visual richness of art is the focus of my work. I have shown in galleries, universities, museums, and have completed several commissions for Art for Public Places. I am represented in the book “Colorado Abstract, Painting and Sculpture”. I am a member of The Sandra Phillips Gallery and SPARK Gallery in Denver, Colorado.


Image for entry 'Wave'


40 x 40 cm

Acrylic on canvas


These paintings depict classical mathematical descriptions of of physical laws in nature. We observe the effects of these laws in everyday life. While not dealing with quantum phenomena or the expanding universe, they represent the physics the that we constantly experience. Our perception of our world are determined by the forces in these paintings.
Image for entry 'Gravitation'


40 x 40 cm

Acrylic on canvas


These paintings depict classical mathematical descriptions of of physical laws in nature. We observe the effects of these laws in everyday life. While not dealing with quantum phenomena or the expanding universe, they represent the physics the that we constantly experience. Our perception of our world are determined by the forces in these paintings.
Image for entry 'Orbiting'


40 x 40 cm

Acrylic on canvas


These paintings depict classical mathematical descriptions of of physical laws in nature. We observe the effects of these laws in everyday life. While not dealing with quantum phenomena or the expanding universe, they represent the physics the that we constantly experience. Our perception of our world are determined by the forces in these paintings.