Cary Staples
Cary Staples
School of Art .. University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN
Math and art are both ways of understanding and describing the world. I am trying to understand what I do not know by moving back and forth between these ways of knowing. Each time I make a move, I learn.

order of operation
26 x 26 x 7 cm
paper, copper wires, LED light
Straight on view with the light off.

order of operation
26 x 26 x 7 cm
paper, copper wire, LED light
While trying to solve the problem of making a flexible material, that would not conduct electricity, strong enough to stop a projectile, I discovered this fold.
By making a series of folds, in a systematic sequence, the paper evolved into a new form capable of movement, but with additional strength.
The light and wires in the background allude to the electronics to be protected. The origami is free hanging and flexible.