
Antonio Oliva

Independent artist

Rende, Cosenza, Italy


"His art has a double value: pictorial-aesthetic and psycho-pedagogical. Through clear and ethereal signs, plastic and static, ascending and transcendent, he realizes, in a world of solid chromatic evanescence, the dichotomy of being author and co-author of his works. Avoiding archaic representation, reality itself leads him to refine his inwardness making his creative act the best of all possible worlds. He caresses with a glance, elaborates with the mind, fed by erudite readings, he gives the soul his evocative message: art is for everyone and goes beyond the frontiers of formal stereotypes of every existential barrier to rise to a mystical and absolute dimension, as if to imitate the reality objectively observed/studied." (Ivana Ferraro)


Image for entry 'Ascent and Descent, 2014  archive work n ° 2609  (Dedicated to Prof. Mauro Francaviglia, Founder and first President of the Italian Society for Relativity and Physics of Gravitation - SIGRAV)'

Ascent and Descent, 2014 archive work n ° 2609 (Dedicated to Prof. Mauro Francaviglia, Founder and first President of the Italian Society for Relativity and Physics of Gravitation - SIGRAV)

60x80x4 cm

mixed media on canvas


What is the right direction? Ascendent or descent? The speed of light in vacuum, c, is a universal physical constant . According to special relativity, c is the maximum speed at which all massless particles and changes of the associated fields (including light) can travel in vacuum, regardless of the motion of the source or the inertial frame of reference of the observer. In the theory of relativity, c interrelates space and time, and appears in the equation E = mc2. A wormhole, also known as Einstein–Rosen bridge, is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that would fundamentally be a "shortcut", like a tunnel with two ends each in separate points. Spiraling traversable wormholes let light travel in both directions.