2015 Joint Mathematics Meetings

Marcella Giulia Lorenzi


Marcella Giulia Lorenzi

Artist; Manager at University of Calabria press (Centro editoriale e librario)

University of Calabria

Rende, Italy



The word “Photography” comes from two Greek words, Photos (light) and Graphos (writing, painting), so “drawing with the light”. Taking pictures needs some devices and a particular process in Space and Time. According to Einstein the basic structure of our world is SpaceTime and things exist in a spacetime continuum, a world of four dimensions: height, width, depth and time. A generative process is usually referred to as “setting in motion”. Motion is the essence of Life. Selecting particular initial conditions, adding a fourth dimension and photographing motion by means of randomised generative processes lead to very expressionistic results. "Painting with light". Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Mauro Francaviglia.


Image for entry 'Venere Imperfetta (Imperfect Venus)'

Venere Imperfetta (Imperfect Venus)

36*45 cm

Digital composition printed on forex


Beauty, represented by Venus, emerges from a matrix of waves, that gradually fade into a binary checkerbord pattern. Electromagnetic waves and binary bits let the goddes emerge as an hologram.
Image for entry 'Love difference'

Love difference


Digital photography


Following chaotic motion in 4D, lightwaves form attractors in spacetime.