Mike Naylor
Mike Naylor
Artist, COO DragonFjord Puzzles
DragonFjord Puzzles & Games
Vanvikan, Norway
I enjoy creating artwork with mathematical content which prompts the audience to think deeper, look for relationships and meaning, and ultimately be rewarded by recognizing a hidden structure or pattern. Mathematical artwork should be both beautiful and thought-provoking.

Knight Maze II - Danger
60 x 90 cm
Digital print
While "Knight Maze I - Relax" is built constructively by building paths on which the knight can hop, "Knight Maze II - Danger" is built destructively by eliminating squares that could be helpful in reaching the goal. Expect this knight's tour to be challenging... and a good deal more dangerous!

Knight Maze I - Relax
60 x 90 cm
Digital print
Take a relaxing knight's tour across this pond! This art puzzle is composed of three regions that provide interesting shapes and movements for the knight to hop upon as it travels from start to finish.