2016 Bridges Conference

Krystyna Burczyk


Paper is my medium and paperfolding and twisting are my favorite techniques. I prefer folds and constructions useless for most of paperfolders. I reduce number of folds, fold lines in unusual configuration and try to leave symmetry away. But I still depend on geometric structures. I push a piece of paper in my mind and I imagine folds and shapes resulting from the paper movement. I blend rigorous and abstract geometric shapes with material and flexible pieces of folded paper. In 2015-16 I realized an art project MAP (Math Art Paper) – the series of exhibitions of my artworks at the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.


Image for entry 'Under Surveillance'

Under Surveillance

20 x 20 x 20 cm



While the pieces are simple, when connected they build a strong network kept together by forces of tension and friction of paper as well as regular structure, against gravity forces.
Image for entry 'People'


25 x 25 x 25 cm



Diversity united. That is the main idea of this artwork. Black strips around all pieces underscore diversity as every single piece is individual – different from others. But they have common place where they meet and create together strong bonds and stable polyhedral structure.