
David Thompson

Mathematics Teacher

Baltimore City Public Schools

Baltimore, MD


These mazes are made using the Traveling Sales Person (TSP) art method. The mazes were inspired by the mazes completed by Dr. Timothy Chartier in his book, "Math Bytes." They were created using StippleGen 2, MATLAB, and Microsoft PowerPoint. The program used to code the TSP art for MATLAB was written by Dr. TImothy Chartier.


Image for entry 'I Love Math TSP Maze'

I Love Math TSP Maze

20 x 28 cm

StippleGen 2, MatLab, PowerPoint


"I Love Math" TSP Art Maze inspired by the Traveling Salesperson problem.
Image for entry 'Pi TSP Art Maze'

Pi TSP Art Maze

20 x 28 cm

StippleGen 2, MatLab, PowerPoint


"Pi" TSP Art Maze inspired by the Traveling Salesperson problem.