Hogul Park
Hogul Park
4D Math and Science Creativity Research Institute
Guri-si, South Korea
The movement of light energy using the diffused reflection in an enclosed area Geo Chaotic Cube, a three dimensional solidfigure, whichis joinedall tangled up regularlyby using a number of both a modified regular hexahedron anda regular octahedron shows the movement of visible rays formed by diffused reflection in the cube.Suppose that there should bean enclosed area in ahexahedron that anything cannot be penetrated the outside in at all and all facessurrounding it should be made of an internally reflecting material.

The movement of light energy using the diffused reflection in an enclosed area
35 x 35 x 35 cm
4dframe (P.P)
If there exists only one red light in the cube and a size of the cube shall be stretchedfreely, the red light will have a regular pattern in rules for disorder and can be expandedtoward an infinite space.Also, if we tracethe movement of light speed as the time, the present movement of light energy can be seen to be the afterimage of red color and the movement of the past can be considered the afterimage of white color. Eventuallythis Geo Chaotic Cube will make us feel a sense of speed by rapidly connecting each red line with your eyes.