Luís Filipe Salgado Pereira Rodrigues
Luís Filipe Salgado Pereira Rodrigues
Artist and researcher on art
Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon
Santo Tirso, Portugal
I have made drawings regularly since 2010, but I have had a fascination for drawing mainly since 1986, when I was 15 years old. I have several projects running at the same time, however I chose this project because is the longer one. The drawing process is not dissociable nor from the mathematics neither from the aesthetics. In the drawing we record a quantity of shapes or light or, in a largest sense, a quantity of visual information. My aim is to find an aesthetical play of shapes, drawing with an intuitive way of seeing the geometric figures that I pick from the nature.

Rotational shapes A
70 x 50 cm
black ink pen
The process of learning to draw involves the exercise of intuitive calculation where some shapes are compared to others and where the parts of a shape are compared to the remaining parts. The meaning of implicit proportion either in the drawing or in the observed object is a measure of dimensions that are correlatively compared. In the nature that proportionality has an organic reason; in our thinking has a rational and sensible foundation. In both of them there is a common mathematical relation.
These drawings have a rotational movement, ones inside the others, in a rotary way toward a center direction, in a concentrically way, and the shapes are similar and may describe spirals. The result of these shapes is an artificial texture.

Rotational shapes B
70 x 50 cm
Black ink pen
The process of learning to draw involves the exercise of an intuitive and proportional calculation where some shapes are compared with others. The meaning of the implicit proportion either in the drawing or in the observed object is a measure of dimensions that are correlatively compared. In the nature the proportionality has an organic reason. In our mind the proportionality has a rational explanation. But both of them have a mathematical principle.
My drawings have a rotational movement, ones inside the others, in a rotary way towards a center direction and the shapes are similar and may describe spirals. The result is an artificial texture with proprotional shapes with a mathematical and geometric order.