2016 Bridges Conference

Roberto L. Giardili


Roberto L. Giardili


Cipolletti. Río Negro. Patagonia Argentina




The motivation for my work comes from the idea that mathematical concepts can be used as a source of art. My aim is the design of sculptures inspired by fractal geometry and, for this purpose I develop my own computer programs. I enjoy making my ideas tangible through the realization of the sculptures itself as well as building the necessary accessories.


Image for entry 'Fragmented Hamiltonian Cicle. Icosahedron'

Fragmented Hamiltonian Cicle. Icosahedron

42 x 42 x 42 cm

Welded mild steel tubing


The Fragmented Hamiltonian Cycle consists of producing a Hamiltonian circuit inside of an icosahedron. In order to avoid the intersections produced by the connection of different pairs of vertices by a single line segment, I make use of a Hamiltonian Cycle with intersections as an initiator of a Lindenmayer Chain (Fractal Geometry) and associate with it a coplanared and nonaligned three-segment generator. The generator plane in each cycle is twirled around the corresponding initiatory segment in order to join together all the vertices without interceptions.