I mainly work with printmaking, nowadays especially with silkscreen prints. My work is inspired by geometric forms of nature, and colors are made according to what I feel in the process, or it may happen that a certain tonality is thought and carefully done for the purpose. I only work with what inspires me the most, and use photography, drawing, and computer to create images. However, in the process of printing, surprises happen and I usually create new forms over what has been previously designed. I accept the chance of probability as a factor of development of processes, which allows me to create new possibilites, and sometimes unexpected results. It all begins with numbers, calculations, weigthings, decisions. It ends with editions.
30 x 23 cm
Silkscreen print
The basic shapes such as triangle, circle and square were the main source of inspiration. They represent the basic shapes of nature, and in other hand the principles of geometry, the pure geometric forms. The colours used are also the primary colours (Yellow, magenta and cyan blue), which when mixed make secondary and terciary colours. The application of these colours bring to the print a joyful and brigth play between the shapes and colours, which gave the name to the work: playfulness. It s unique because, besides being hand-pulled artwork through silkscreen technique, shapes are created in the middle of the process and discarded afterwards. This is, it is not part of any edition, as usually printmaking works are.
30 x 23 cm
Silkscreen print
This work is based on geometry of minerals. These minerals were firstly drawn by hand, by contrast with their perfect lines created by nature. The reason not to assume perfect lines is exactly because my expression is not perfect. I assume my imperfection on nature reproduction because I am not perfect, although I am inspired by perfect shapes of nature. A little paradox that may not be visible in the artwork, only in the artist statement. The colours are contrasting colours, in which according to the theory of colour, maintain the same brigthness when used next to each other. In this case, the pink and the green.