
Samuel Verbiese

Independen visual artist

Overijse, Belgium


Besides expressionistic painting and sculpting of the figure and portrait, I am recurrently drawn to geometric projects, probably because my previous experience in engineering. This year I couldn't avoid paying a long due tribute to my longstanding late Friends Fabien Vienne and his wife Jacqueline. It is well-known that Fabien has been instrumental in the development of Zometool's 'Green Lines' and that in the Bridges conferences framework he is the author of several huge Zometool models he developed on a concept that he matured during many years. Fabien Vienne was recently honored with a personal exhibit about his other important achievements in the prestigious Chaillot Palace in Paris, that earned a deserved prolongation.


Image for entry 'Brownian serendipity..., a Tribute to Fabien & Jacqueline Vienne'

Brownian serendipity..., a Tribute to Fabien & Jacqueline Vienne

30 x 42 cm

Computer image quality print


During the fall of 2009, I was preparing some engineering experimentation for the Zometool barn raising event associated to the Bridges Pécs 2010 conference, where Fabien Vienne's spirit might also have floated around, despite there were no 'green struts' in his upcoming 'blue' icosidodecahedran self-similar universe, that in Pécs turned out as a piece of multicolored islamic art under designers Marc Pelletier and Paul Hildebrandt... Having lost his beloved muse Jacqueline, and completed his ultimate theory that inspired several other Bridges conferences, Fabien slowly faded away -as did that very spot in my garden- utmost serene, and still at work in his very end. (After picture 'Fabienne.jpg' from Zometool Facebook page, and my own)