2016 Bridges Conference

Mohammad Bagher Safari


Mohammad Bagher Safari

Artist, PhD. pure math student

Mathematics Department of Yazd University (Iran)

Shahroud, Semnan, Iran




I am a PhD student in mathematics and I love woodworking. My works is about providing some applied, inexpensive, beautiful objects using math, computer and wood or MDF. I have built nice containers using Catalan's and Plato's solids and projecting some islamic patterns on them!


Image for entry 'wooden Plato's container'

wooden Plato's container

29 x 16 x 17 cm

wood (walnut, Plane, Jujube and plywood)


Wood mosaic technique has been used for projecting Islamic pattern flowers on the faces.
Image for entry 'Catalan's 60-faces container'

Catalan's 60-faces container

32 x 19 x 20 cm

MDF (thickness=3mm)


This container has 60-faces and based on Catalan's deltoidal hexecontahedron. It is designed and made using Lasercut machines. Some islamic pattern has been projected on the container.