2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Anđelka Simić
Anđelka Simić
Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science
High School "Branislav Petronijević"
Ub, Serbia
Geometry, which is studied during education, describes very well characteristics of space, but it is limited by direct experience and we meet problems when we try to show three-dimensional object on paper. Sooner or later, each of us wonders if there are the fourth, fifth, sixth or higher dimensions. Artists use a different perspectives and techniques in their works in order to show more realistically three - dimensional space and objects in it. I found new dimensions and pictures of my thoughts when I started working with optical ornaments. Now, using optical ornaments on jewelry I can share my experience with others.

Transparent hypercube - jewelry
3 x 3 x 3 cm
Printed transparent foils