2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Cliff & Danny Stoll
Cliff & Danny Stoll
Chief Bottle Washer
Acme Klein Bottle
Oakland, California, USA
We make Klein bottles and other topological manifolds for the math community. Much fun - mathematicians suggest designs, and we create glass shapes. Recently, we've been playing with linked glass Klein bottles and other objects. A half-twist Mobius loop can be mapped onto a Mobius loop with three twists. This works for Klein Bottles as well: By connecting any odd number of Klein Bottles, you'll make a shape that's homeomorphic to a Klein bottle. What happens if you try make a Mobius Loop with two half twists? Or connect an even number of Klein bottles? Now that's a different story...

Two Linked Klein Bottles
28 x 10 x 10 cm
Glass (borosilicate)

Triple Klein Bottle (externally linked)
34 x 34 x 15 cm
Borosilicate Glass