2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Andrew Morse
Andrew Morse
Dana Point, California, USA
In early 2012, Andrew began coding Ruby plugins for SketchUp that produced three-dimensional models based on mathematical functions. His idea was to build visually intriguing models based on equations of three variables, each representing a dimension in space. The same equation was then used to feedback on the initial model and augment its basic shape. This process created stunning, and often unexpected, results that can be seen in each individual piece. Each work of art you see here is based on a mathematical function. Each piece is shown as a 2D representation of a model in 3D space.

Black Hole
46 x 61 cm
Printed digital image on paper
Programmatically created using the base function z = x^3+cos(y)

The Bull
46 x 61 cm
Printed digital image on paper
Programmatically created using the base function z = cos(x)*y