2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Ellie Baker
Ellie Baker
Artist and Computer Scientist
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
This artwork is an outgrowth of an extended research project with Susan Goldstine on applications of mathematics to bead crochet. Our book, “Crafting Conundrums: Puzzles and Patterns for the Bead Crochet Artist," outlines a new methodology for designing bead crochet patterns and describes a series of mathematically inspired design puzzles. Recently I've begun exploring design in fabric, a new medium with new constraints and new puzzles. Here, fabric printed with the infinitely repeating planar representation of a bead crochet pattern is sewn into an infinity scarf (topologically a torus). The construction, with hidden seams, involved stitching together opposite edges of a parallelogram and an interesting topology lesson on torus inversions.

From Serenity to Monkey-Mind and Back (Two Twisted Tessellated Transforming Tori)
70 x 50 cm
Printed polyester crepe de chine, bead crochet (glass beads and thread)