Gabriele Meyer

Senior Lecturer
Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706

I like to crochet hyperbolic surfaces. They are the intersection of my professional life as a mathematics lecturer and my art hobby.
Non-flat surfaces have always presented a technical challenge, yet the most beautiful architecture and sculpture often involve such surfaces.
Hyperbolic surfaces can be naturally achieved by hyperbolic crocheting around shaped plastic line. This was my contribution to the area. The plastic line introduces the tension which makes the surfaces curve in three dimensional space. Its thickness also determines the size of the hyperbolic curves generated. My surfaces are large and best hung from the ceiling to preserve their integrity.

Ovoid Bead with three Hyperbolic Axes as a Lamp
Ovoid Bead with three Hyperbolic Axes as a Lamp

This object started as a hollow ovoid, top and bottom missing. I then crocheted three vertical axes down the sides. These three axes are the basis for the hyperbolic crochet. The object is hung from the ceiling.
I then entered a light tube. The photograph was taken in the dark without flash.

flaring red algae, lamp
flaring red algae, lamp

This is the same algae as above, hanging off the ceiling. This time I placed a bendable light tube into the hollow cone at the center of the algae and photographed in the dark without flash. The hyperbolic crochet had holes thus creating interesting light patterns on the ceiling .