2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Carlo Sequin
Carlo Sequin
Professor of Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California, USA
Stimulated by the LEGO-Knot project, I aimed to design a set of modular parts that permits to compose not only various handle-bodies, but also single-sided surfaces of higher genus. The modular parts employed in my sculptures are tubular 3-way junctions, where one of the tubular stubs exposes the opposite side of the surface shown by the other two stubs. Depending on how the parts are connected, the resulting compositions remains orientable or becomes single-sided; in the latter case they correspond to sums of multiple Klein bottles; which I call “Super-Bottles.” For a few special assemblies, the resulting surface remains 2-sided (σ = 2); the genus then drops to half the value that it would be for the single-sided Super-Bottle.

Reconfigurable Super-Bottle of Genus 10/σ
36 x 30 x 28 cm
ABS plastic, printed on an FDM machine

Snap-together Super-Bottle of Genus 4/σ
16 x 20 x 14 cm
ABS plastic, printed on an FDM machine