Computer generated images created by use of commercial graphics programs are usually recognizable by the style. In order to achieve different results it is necessary to develop proper software. Installation of commonly known software algorithms and formulas in proper programs again does not guarantee diversity. In order to achieve the high diversity of results it is necessary to look for the original methodological approaches and algorithms. My efforts in the recent period is focusing on finding innovative methods of image processing that ensure that digital origin of pictures could be hidden as much as possible. I use exclusively my own programs developed in Visual Basic programming language and some of them are free accessible on my web.
30 x 40 cm
digital print on canvas
This image was created using multi-level deformation process. Deformation method is based on deformation of previous generated images, which typically consists of geometric objects. The geometric elements are one, two and three-dimensional structures, colored by randomly chosen color palette and mostly tinted surfaces. Then the image is elaborated by deformation algorithm, which is the core of such a program. During the elaboration process each pixel is colored with color of one of its neighbor. Which neighbor is chosen is of course the matter of the deformation algorithm calculation. Based on the same basic image, the program can produce an infinite variety of images different to each other using the same base image.
30 x 40 cm
digital print on canvas
This image was created using multi-level algorithmic approach which is characterized by a program built-in multi-level algorithmic structure. At each level there is a set of built-in mathematical expressions and formulas, which are formed more or less intuitive. In these expressions are entering two types of variables: variables which represent the genetic code and are constant for each new program cycle and variables as a result of the process of drawing which currently change their values continuously. The number of possible types of images is equal to the product of the number of algorithms in each level. The programs generally draw abstract paintings and any association to the image of the real world is purely coincidental.