2017 Bridges Conference Nominees' Gallery

Kenneth Brecher and Randy Rhine, collaborators


Kenneth Brecher

Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Emeritus

Departments of Astronomy and Physics, Boston University

Boston, Massachusetts USA




Our sculpture of a truncated pseudosphere was fabricated using five different kinds of wood, laminated and then hand machined. As a work of art, our pseudosphere may be compared with pseudosphere sculptural art works created by Anish Kapoor, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Ruth Vollmer and Robert Le Ricolais.


Image for entry 'Truncated Pseudosphere'

Truncated Pseudosphere

21 x 7 x 7 cm



Additional info

The mathematical pseudosphere has infinite length along the z-axis, yet has finite surface area and volume. Our truncated pseudosphere was designed both as a sculptural work of art and for use in a scientific demonstration. It was discovered by one of us (KB) that the pseudosphere can be employed in a novel update of the classic "Uphill Roller" physics demonstration that traditionally (for over 300 years) employed a double cone to roll uphill on an incline composed of two divergent rods or lanes. A cylinder will roll downhill on the apparatus. The pseudosphere will oscillate when placed on the incline.