
Lana Holden

Fiber artist

Skew Loose LLC

Terre Haute, Indiana, USA


I find my creativity is enhanced, rather than inhibited, by the imposition of structure. Much of my work pairs a standard idea from knitting or crochet design repertoire with a mathematical idea in a compatible but unexpected way. I try to make specific connections between the mathematics and fiber arts concepts, rather than simply exploring random combinations, for the most spectacular results.


Image for entry 'Blue Period 5.5.5'

Blue Period 5.5.5

58 x 58 cm

silk, wool


This work is the first in a series that applies the Japanese continuous-motif crochet technique to Sierpinski fractals. Although it appears to be composed of 216 small pentagonal motifs created individually and then joined, each connected section is in fact crocheted with a continuous strand (i.e., all of the light blue is a single length of yarn). The planning of a continuous traversal involves mapping the figure to a planar digraph and inspecting the graph. We suspect that the existence of such a traversal for every iteration of the Sierpinski pentaflake (and others) can be proven using elementary graph theoretic results about Eulerian paths.