
Anduriel Widmark


Denver, Colorado, USA


Art is a good excuse to play. Play is a fun way to try on new realities. Exploring patterns and symmetry through abstraction presents an opportunity to look outside of a regular pattern of seeing. Relationships between underlying forces exemplify the inseparability of structure and narration. Structures and voids organize a lattice around these distinctions and connections.


Image for entry 'Simple Borromean Box'

Simple Borromean Box

6 x 6 x 6 cm

flame worked borosilicate glass


Simple Borromean Box is a complex link made of 12 pieces of glass. This work is inspired by Zachary Abel’s “Borromean Box” and “Pair o’ Boxes” – 2012. Connecting 8 Borromean ring configurations creates the simplest Borromean Box, a link made of 12 components, which has an unlinking number of 16. This pattern can be expanded to make increasingly bigger and more complex Borromean Boxes. If this pattern were constructed with square rods and continued to be an infinitely repeating space-filling grid, it would occupy two thirds of space.