Mircea Draghicescu
The common theme of the creations presented here is simplicity: simple shapes, everyday materials, simpler times, "old school" math - before computers and 3D printers. The objects are assembled using a method of building tensegrity models of arbitrary convex polyhedra using a single connection pattern: two bar ends connect to a bar middle. Details are presented in a paper submitted to Bridges 2017.

Paper and pencil geometry (hold the paper)
27 x 27 x 27 cm
Pencils, fishing line
Tensegrity model, using the "2 ends to a middle" connection pattern, of a cuboctahedron or rhombic dodecahedron (duals generate the same model with this method).
The 24 pencils correspond to the edges of the modeled polyhedra.
Can also be seen as a model of a rhombicuboctahedron (the rectification of the cuboctahedron/rhombic dodecahedron) with vertices in the middle of each pencil.
Notice the 6 interweaved squares.

Ruler and compass construction
20 x 20 x 20 cm
Rulers, compasses, pencils, fishing line
Tensegrity model, using the "2 ends to a middle" connection pattern, of a cube or octahedron (duals generate the same model with this method).
The 12 bars (4 rulers, 4 compasses, and 4 pencils) correspond to the edges of the modeled polyhedra.
Can also be seen as a model of a cuboctahedron (the rectification of the cube/octahedron) with vertices in the middle of the bars.
Notice the 4 interweaved triangles with ruler/compass/pencil sides.