
RAM-8 Groep

Self-supported plastician artists: Anusch Bayens, Carlo De Pauw, Carmen Geens, Mark Pieters, Marianne Staels, André Thomas, Alex Van Bogaert, Samuel Verbiese.

'RAM-8 Groep' local artist collective

Overijse, Belgum


The 'RAM-8 Groep' artists collective, based in Overijse, Belgium, has previously taken part in the Enschede 2013, Seoul 2014, Baltimore 2015 and Finland 2016 Bridges Exhibits (see details in Conference papers 'Bridges Exhibits as Incentives for Collaborative Works', I, in 2015, and II, in 2016). This time, it presents a collaborative sculpture after André, this year's team-member in charge of the overall project idea he devoted to Pythagoras. First attracted to the fractal tree based on his best-known theorem proof, he found it too often treated, so Alex and Carlo, with further hints from all other team-members, developed and constructed the present tower, each participant using a 3,4,5 triangle for personal work on any Pythagoras idea.


Image for entry 'Tribute to Pythagoras'

Tribute to Pythagoras

63 x 55 x 55 cm

Rigid foam panels, wood, glass, paint


To represent this tribute to Pythagoras, the remarkable 3/4/5 triangle is used as the emblematic building block of this co-operative work. Eight of them, painted in the six shades of the color wheel plus b&w are arranged in two groups of four in two levels forming square section plenums. On the base, they are standing vertically on their sharp vertices, fixed against each other into a central square in sleeves materialized by grey wooden rectangular section sticks glued under a black wooden square plate with led lights shining up and down. The upper triangles are sitting on the long edges adjacent to their right angles. Personal triangular artworks on Pythagoras themes are placed on the outer panel faces extending from the sticks.