
Samuel Verbiese

Independen visual artist

Overijse, Belgium


Besides expressionistic painting and sculpting of the figure and portrait, I am recurrently drawn to geometric projects (probably by previous engineering experience) and ever more by the power of serendipity, also a strong believer in 'nothing is black or white, only sumptuous grey complexity'. So, I here couldn't avoid playing a tune around WWW, not the Net, but here and this year because of this journey, as living less than 10 miles from Waterloo, be, very mothertown of 50 others on earth, as I already hinted to this in our RAM-8-Groep collaborative work in this exhibit, and in present personal work I fiddle in the framework of GDM's upcoming 3rd Art&Math expo in Brussels she talks about in her conference paper and her own artwork here.


Image for entry 'WWW as Waterloo-Waterloo-Waterloo...'

WWW as Waterloo-Waterloo-Waterloo...

50 x 50 x 50 cm

piece of small 'world balloon' with strings and pins...


Additional info

Dreaming on the difference of a straight route through Earth versus the regular longer than geodesic one from one Waterloo to another, unbelievable serendipity connected to this conference brought me to a fellow dreamer on the Net wanting to compute this ...and harvesting an educated answer ! (GDM calls this non-Euclidean geometry app) so I felt compelled to engage in this, and entertain our audience. I think one could instrument like my installation here the cannonball under the menacing lion paw on top of the conical monument built to remember all that thousands of gallons of horses and men blood that ever soaked my ''morne plaine' countryside... My Polish mentor at university favored natural stupidity versus artificial intelligence...