
Sarah Berube


Diametric Arts

Shutesbury, Massachusetts, USA


I started creating 3D printed mathematical art under the title Diametric Arts in October of 2015. My work currently revolves around the polyhedral symmetry groups. I pursue this form of art because I am strongly drawn to symmetry and the satisfying sense of beauty and perfection it evokes. My design process is an exploration of the properties of polyhedra. I love learning about these shapes through experimentation as I form my ideas. In a way, my pieces feel more like discoveries than creations.


Image for entry 'Twelve Pi'

Twelve Pi

5 x 5 x 5 cm

3D printed steel


The design for this sculpture is comprised of twelve pi symbols arranged with tetrahedral symmetry. At four different locations, the right legs of three pi symbols spiral into each other, forming vortices in lieu of vertices.
Image for entry 'Treble Clef Series'

Treble Clef Series

7 x 21 x 14 cm

3D printed nylon plastic


This series of five sculptures is inspired by the platonic solids. Each sculpture is comprised of either 12, 24, or 60 treble clef symbols, with those representing dual polyhedra possessing the same number of clefs.