
Francesco De Comité

Associate Professor of Computer Science

University of Sciences Lille (France)

Mouscron (Belgium)


Manipulation of digital images, and use of ray-tracing software can help you to concretize mathematical concepts. Either for giving you an idea of how a real object will look or to represent imaginary landscapes only computers can handle. Things become yet more interesting, when you can transform your two-dimensional dream objects in real three dimensional sculptures. You can then handle your creations, and look at them from an infinity of view angles.


Image for entry 'Queen Clytemnestra Ceremonial Breast Plate'

Queen Clytemnestra Ceremonial Breast Plate

60 x 80 cm

Digital Print on cardboard


According to the Apocryphal Iliad, this type of ornament was worn by Queen Clytemnestra at the funerals of her daughter Iphigenia. Mathematically speaking, the copper bones are derived from Galperin's billiard method of computing the digits of Pi.
Image for entry 'Organic Pi'

Organic Pi

60 x 80 cm

Digital print on cardboard


Starting from the bottom, each digit of Pi is represented by a set of tangent circles. Representations of following digits stand on top of the previous ones. An experience of figuring an infinite description in a compact form.