
Currently exploring complex patterning in triaxial silk ribbon color algorithms (woven by hand), I hope to license my triaxial work for use in textiles and other surface design. (Big Bang Theory, Architectural Digest placements?) Maryland Science Center's Starry Night exhibit honoring Halley's Comet exhibited my first triaxial piece in 1986, leading to large interlaced dye painted image commissions, triaxial labyrinths and corn maze design, peyote beadwork. All 3 and 6 fold symmetries intrigue me, elegantly embedded everywhere- unfolding effortlessly- a glimpse of the divine. My workshop and presentation diagrams are the core of a book in progress: triaxial weaving how-to and appreciation of all things triaxial. Enjoy!


Image for entry 'AAABBB, two juxtapositions: Dots & Blossoms, Windmills & Pinwheels'

AAABBB, two juxtapositions: Dots & Blossoms, Windmills & Pinwheels

66 x 46 x 3 cm

hand dyed silk ribbon


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This permutated pair of triaxial weavings are exactly identical in weave structure, with identical color sequencing in all three directions. (AAABBB) Only the starting points of the color sequence in the diagonal elements vary between the two.
Image for entry 'AABB, two juxtapositions: Stars and Tadpoles, Dots and Triceratops'

AABB, two juxtapositions: Stars and Tadpoles, Dots and Triceratops

66 x 46 x 3 cm

silk ribbon


Additional info

This permutated pair of triaxial weavings are exactly identical in weave structure, with identical color sequencing in all three directions. (AABB) Only the starting points of the color sequence in the diagonal elements vary between the two.