2017 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Alan Singer
Alan D. Singer
Retired Professor, School of Art & Design
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York
The images I am submitting are transfer prints made on my etching press, using imagery derived from software developed to teach basic mathematical concepts of form building. I have Cinderella and 3D Xplormath on my Mac and I employ them to help me render the images that I develop from bits of code or equations in 2D and 3D depending on the kind of art I am creating. I am not a mathematician by training but I am learning a great deal through practice and experience, about how to visualize forms by writing mathematical commands that perform certain functions. Much of the art I make is abstract and colorful, maybe even symbolic or poetic and I like that.

30 x 47 x 3 cm
transfer monoprint on Fabriano paper

54 x 38 x 3 cm
transfer monoprint on Fabriano paper