
Computer generated images created by use of commercial graphics programs are usually recognizable by the style. In order to achieve different results it is necessary to develop proper software. Installation of commonly known software algorithms and formulas in proper programs again does not guarantee diversity. In order to achieve the high diversity of results it is necessary to look for the original methodological approaches and algorithms. With the use of non-conventional mathematical background it makes possible to generate unusual shapes which generally doesn’t show their mathematical provenience.


Image for entry 'life tree 2'

life tree 2

46 x 66 x 1 cm

digital print on canvas


My basic challenge is to experiment with new technological approaches in program development for creating art. In this case I use the program algorithm which makes it possible to explore the third dimension of a picture to look for interesting details in its depth. To achieve this objective I used an algorithm based on randomly deformed Mandelbrot fractal calculus.
Image for entry 'life tree 1'

life tree 1

46 x 66 x 1 cm

digital print on canvas


My basic challenge is to experiment with new technological approaches in program development for creating art. In this case I use the program algorithm which makes it possible to explore the third dimension of a picture to look for interesting details in its depth. To achieve this objective I used an algorithm based on randomly deformed Mandelbrot fractal calculus.