The framework that I use to create the art is currently not interactive. It takes 5 to 20 seconds to create each image. And the process is currently not predictable. Occasionally, I am rewarded with an interesting movie sequence like some of those in my Bridges submission, or a perhaps once-in-a-lifetime image like movie 14 frame #400. I am still at the WOW, LOOK AT THIS !!! stage and have not performed a detailed analysis yet. My start in computer-related graphics was about 3 years ago when I did some work making art out of the analytical solution to differential equations. Look for "heatv28" on YouTube to see my first presentation of that work complete with primitive graphics. These videos and other information (e.g., a Processing version of ENDLESS TWISTED ART) can be found on the YouTube channel "TwistedArt" (one word). or here
A Splash of Color
Math / Visuals / Production -- David Zoch ; Music courtesy of Apple / iMovie