Andreia Hall & Prudência Leite
Andreia Hall
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro
We are interested in linking mathematics with art using different mediums. Presently we are using patchwork and quilting techniques to reproduce mathematical elements, such as fractals, symmetry and anti-symmetry groups, Apollonian circle packings and Voronoi diagrams. The present work explores Voronoi diagrams resembling solar images.

Solar Voronoi II
58 x 60 cm
Vintage fabrics, sewing thread and accessories
Like Solar Voronoi I, this work is based on a Voronoi diagram with the sites chosen in order to resemble a solar image. Both Voronoi diagrams were created using the Wolfram Demonstrations Project applet "Voronoi Diagrams" by Ed Pegg Jr & Jeff Bryant. updated by Theodore W. Gray.

Solar Voronoi I
58 x 60 cm
Vintage fabrics, sewing thread and accessories
This work uses patchwork and quilting techniques and is based on a Voronoi diagram. Voronoi diagrams are generated from an initial set of points called the Voronoi sites. A Voronoi diagram is a partition of the plane into polygonal regions determined by the smallest distance to the Voronoi sites. In general, if the sites are chosen randomly the resulting diagram forms an abstract pattern. However, a convenient choice of the generating sites may produce figurative results. In this work the sites were chosen in order to suggest a sunset scene. In the end the diagram was creatively explored by quiltingand application of buttons to the Voronoi sites.