Andrew Harper
Andrew Harper
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
I am a kid who likes all types of science, math, history, music, art, coding and poetry (not that I know them all yet).

Eyes in Black and White
30 x 40 cm
Digital Print
It's staring at you with 5 eyes, but if you zoom out too much, too many will stare. And if you reflect it, it will still stay the same, infinitely it will stare at itself. And if you slide it, it will still stay the same, it will still stare at you if you stare at it.

Cobras in a Tree
30 x 40 cm
Digital print
Cobras are popping out of its holes, staring at a symmetrical plant. The holes that they're in are part of a star. They're standing in symmetry. It rotates around and stays quite the same, and when you reflect it, it will stay the same too. And when you stare at their plant for a while, you'll see it's a tree, and also a tunnel. But then you can see, the thing that they're in is also a tree.