
Gary Greenfield

Professor Emeritas of Mathematics & Computer Science

University of Richmond

Richmond, Virginia, USA


Most of my computer generated artworks arise from visualizations of mathematical, physical, or biological processes. I want to focus the viewer's attention on the complexity and intricacy underlying such processes. Most recently, I have been exploring the tension that arises when generating minimalist art using complex processes.


Image for entry 'Hex Composition #1-4-46664'

Hex Composition #1-4-46664

15 x 20 cm

Digital print


Hex compositions are grids whose cells are labelled with hexadecimal digits such that when those digits are converted to four bit binary numbers and the bits are used to label the edges of the cells counterclockwise starting from the top then edge labels for adjacent cells always match. I use a genetic algorithm to evolve hex compositions such that two of the digits are concentrated in a centered subgrid. Here the two digits are 1 and 4, represented using olive and chocolate, while the remaining digits are represented using shades of blue. Coloring reveals the horizontal and vertical adjacency rules the digits 1 and 4 must satisfy.
Image for entry 'Hex Composition #1-14-38189'

Hex Composition #1-14-38189

15 x 20 cm

Digital print


Hex compositions are grids whose cells are labelled with hexadecimal digits such that when those digits are converted to four bit binary numbers and the bits are used to label the edges of the cells counterclockwise starting from the top then edge labels for adjacent cells match. I use a genetic algorithm to evolve hex compositions such that two of the digits are concentrated in a centered subgrid. Here the two digits are 1 and e, represented using olive and orange, while the remaining digits are represented using shades of blue. Coloring reveals the horizontal and vertical adjacency rules the digits 1 and e must satisfy.