Ryan Webb
Ryan Webb
Math and Computer Science Teacher
Maggie L. Walker Governor's School
Richmond, Virginia, USA
I am a math teacher at a school for gifted students. As such I am constantly answering two incredible questions: "Why?" and "What if...?" I encourage my students to always seek out answers to these questions. It is when we keep asking why and keep tinkering with the what if's that we stumble upon the most interesting things. These two questions influence my art immensely. Though I have dabbled in many different art mediums, I am most fond of digital generative design, and other code based works. Digital Art allows me to produce an image, say "What if I changed this part?", tweak a few numbers in my program, and within a few minutes have answers to my curiosities.

Genetic Modular Coloring on Phyllotactic Blooms
45 x 45 cm
Digital (Coded in Processing)

14 Color Phyllotactic Bloom (Genetic Modular Coloring)
45 x 45 cm
Digital (Coded in Processing)