
Adam Zynger



Baltimore, USA


As an artist and editor of Artists Equity Newsletter, I have published years ago an article on Art and Science, which introduced Baltimore art community to the inter-relatedness of these two disciplines. My computer-generated fractal art is based on fractal geometry for which I am indebted to Benoit Mandelbrot, the Master of Roughness and Complexity, and many other mathematicians and programmers, who lured me into the exuberance of its iterative language. I attempted to provide a link between fractal visual expressions and a plausible reality. Here, specifically I demonstrated how the re-purposed art with their inherent pattern of deterioration due to corrosion coexisted with fractal, computer-generated graphics in a cohesive manner.


Image for entry 'PostDrip A'

PostDrip A

28 x 20 cm

photographs and ink jet print


PostDrip consists of recycled /re-purposed drip pan contrasted with fractal computer graphics in the background. The rusted pattern of eroded gaps allures to the immeasurable “coastline paradox” juxtaposed with mathematically generated fractals. Since irregularity of iron corrosion is caused by multiple factors, such as presence of water, air moisture and oxygen saturation, iron corrosion can assume a fractal behavior sometimes referred to as deterministic chaos. Apart from the linear diversity of the jagged erosion, the textural and coloristic qualities are equally appealing and somehow resonating with each other in spite of so divergent sources.